Webinare am 24./31.5. – EU-Taxonomie: Grünes Gas und Atomkraft sind schmutzige Lügen!

Die Europäische Union arbeitet an einer Verordnung zur Klassifizierung von nachhaltigen Finanzprodukten, der sogenannten Taxonomie. Dies klingt langweilig und bürokratisch, ist aber tatsächlich eines der bedeutsamsten Vorhaben der letzten Jahre. Entsprechend stark versuchen die Erdgas- und die Atomlobby sowie verschiedene europäische Länder, auch ihre schmutzigen Technologien als nachhaltig klassifizieren zu lassen. Es ist der ultimative Versuch des Greenwashings – mit Auswirkungen, die weit über den Finanzsektor hinausgehen und katastrophale Folgen für das Klima und die Umwelt haben.

In diesem Webinar stellen wir den aktuellen Stand der Taxonomie vor, betrachten ihre Bedeutung und beleuchten den Einfluss der Gas- und Atomlobbys auf den Prozess. Dabei gehen wir auch auf die Rolle der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und ihr Feilschen hinter den Kulissen ein – und wir diskutieren die Rolle der Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung in diesem Zusammenhang.

Die Taxonomie zeigt: Es ist wichtig, sich auch diesem scheinbar langweiligen Vorhaben zu widmen. Gemeinsam muss die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung die Prozesse um die Taxonomie skandalisieren und den öffentlichen Druck erhöhen, um die Einbeziehung von fossilem Gas und Atom zu verhindern.

Das Webinar wird einmal in deutscher und einmal in englischer Sprache abgehalten:
Deutsch: Montag, 24. Mai 19:00 Uhr (Julian Bothe / . ausgestrahlt)
Englisch: Monday, 31. Mai, 19;00 Uhr (Julian Bothe /. ausgestrahlt; Frida Kieninger / Food and Water Action Europe)
Einwahl über BigBlueButton https://conference.sixtopia.net/b/koo-w6d-ahq

Mehr Informationen: https://climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/post/2021/05/14/eu-taxonomy-nuclear-is-not-a-sustainable-investment/

Wir freuen uns auf Euch! Lasst uns gemeinsam der Gas- und Atomlobby in den Arsch treten!

Das Vorbereitungsteam

EU Taxonomy without nuclear power and fossil gas!

The European Union is drafting a regulation for the classification of sustainable finance products, the so-called Taxonomy. This sounds boring and bureaucratic, but it is actually one of the most significant projects of recent years and an important building block of the Green New Deal.

Accordingly, the natural gas and nuclear lobbies, as well as various European countries, are trying hard to have their dirty technologies classified as sustainable. Against these forces, it is important to create public pressure to counter the possible inclusion of both fossil gas and nuclear power in the taxonomy !

As a first step, we organise two webinars on the current state of the EU-Taxonomy and the role of the climate justice movement in this context:  EU Taxonomy – Green Gas and Nuclear are dirty lies!

The webinars will be held one time in German and one time in English:
German: Monday, May 24, 7 pm CEST (Julian Bothe / . ausgestrahlt)
English: Monday, May 31, 7 pm CEST (Julian Bothe /. ausgestrahlt and Frida Kieninger / Food and Water Action Europe)

Dial in via BigBlueButton: https://conference.sixtopia.net/b/koo-w6d-ahq

We are looking forward to meet you and to kick the gas and nuclear lobby in the ass!

90 climate justice groups from 15 countries signed!

In the fight for climate justice, nuclear power is not a solution! 90 climate justice groups from 15 countries signed the European statement against nuclear power and for climate justice. This is a strong sign of the mobilisation
of the European climate justice movement against nuclear power.

On this sad day of commemoration of the Fukushima disaster, we stand united against nuclear power: Don’t nuke the climate!

Press review and social medias publications: climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/medias/
Medias contents: climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/contents/

On the deadline March 1, 83 groups from climate justice movement in 15 countries have signed the Antinuclear statement

On the deadline March 1, 83 groups from climate justice movement in 15 countries have signed the Antinuclear statement. This is a great success and a strong sign against nuclear power.

The process for the statement started in 2020 at a meeting of the Climate Justice Action (CJA), a network of international grassroots mouvements fighting for global climate justice. The participants shared the analysis that the nuclear lobby tried to push for a renaissance of nuclear power as a solution for the climate crisis. The climate justice movement needed to confront this attempt with a strong united action. The statement is our first step against nuclear power.

The statement gets presented to the wider public on March 11, the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima catastrophe. Please share it in your networks and your (social) media.

The process of the statement is still ongoing. If your group wants to sign, write an email with the name of the group and the country to climatejusticeagainstnuclear@riseup.net

Don’t nuke the climate – join the statement and spread the word!

Dear activists of the climate justice movements.

While the climate crisis is becoming more and more obvious, a well-known broken promise is propagated once more: again, nuclear power is supposed to fix the misery.

As activists from climate justice and anti-nuclear movements all over Europe we know that this is utterly wrong and harmful. In order to communicate this to the outside world and in due time for the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima reactor disaster on the 11th of March, a joint statement by the European climate justice movement is being issued: “Don’t Nuke the Climate”.

The statement has been initiated by activists from the climate justice groups in several European countries. The idea is that within the European climate justice movement, as many groups as possible sign the statement. We would like to show that as a movement we will not allow ourselves to be divided. To achieve climate justice, we need a fast transition to a just and sustainable energy system based on 100 per cent renewables – and to get rid of all fossil-nuclear fuels, be it coal, oil, fossil gas or uranium.

Therefore: Please read the statement, sign it and forward it! You can sign from now until the 1st of march by simply  emailing to climatejusticeagainstnuclear@riseup.net  (please give your group name and your country). The current list of signatories, further background information and translations of the statement can be found at: https://climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/ 

Shortly before the 10th anniversary of Fukushima on March 11th we would like to send the statement and an accompanying press release to the press in the various countries. On the anniversary we would like to encourage you to use your webpages and social media channels to spread the word.

There will already be a joint kick-off event at the end of January: on Thursday, January 28th, at 8:00 p.m., the statement will be presented in an online event. After an input on the nuclear debate in various European countries, there will be time for questions and exchange about how to proceed. Join us at

We are looking forward to your participation!