Webinare am 24./31.5. – EU-Taxonomie: Grünes Gas und Atomkraft sind schmutzige Lügen!

Die Europäische Union arbeitet an einer Verordnung zur Klassifizierung von nachhaltigen Finanzprodukten, der sogenannten Taxonomie. Dies klingt langweilig und bürokratisch, ist aber tatsächlich eines der bedeutsamsten Vorhaben der letzten Jahre. Entsprechend stark versuchen die Erdgas- und die Atomlobby sowie verschiedene europäische Länder, auch ihre schmutzigen Technologien als nachhaltig klassifizieren zu lassen. Es ist der ultimative Versuch des Greenwashings – mit Auswirkungen, die weit über den Finanzsektor hinausgehen und katastrophale Folgen für das Klima und die Umwelt haben.

In diesem Webinar stellen wir den aktuellen Stand der Taxonomie vor, betrachten ihre Bedeutung und beleuchten den Einfluss der Gas- und Atomlobbys auf den Prozess. Dabei gehen wir auch auf die Rolle der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und ihr Feilschen hinter den Kulissen ein – und wir diskutieren die Rolle der Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung in diesem Zusammenhang.

Die Taxonomie zeigt: Es ist wichtig, sich auch diesem scheinbar langweiligen Vorhaben zu widmen. Gemeinsam muss die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung die Prozesse um die Taxonomie skandalisieren und den öffentlichen Druck erhöhen, um die Einbeziehung von fossilem Gas und Atom zu verhindern.

Das Webinar wird einmal in deutscher und einmal in englischer Sprache abgehalten:
Deutsch: Montag, 24. Mai 19:00 Uhr (Julian Bothe / . ausgestrahlt)
Englisch: Monday, 31. Mai, 19;00 Uhr (Julian Bothe /. ausgestrahlt; Frida Kieninger / Food and Water Action Europe)
Einwahl über BigBlueButton https://conference.sixtopia.net/b/koo-w6d-ahq

Mehr Informationen: https://climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/post/2021/05/14/eu-taxonomy-nuclear-is-not-a-sustainable-investment/

Wir freuen uns auf Euch! Lasst uns gemeinsam der Gas- und Atomlobby in den Arsch treten!

Das Vorbereitungsteam

Webinars at May 24th and 31st – EU Taxonomy: Green Gas and Nuclear are dirty lies!

The European Union is drafting a regulation for the classification of sustainable finance products, the so-called Taxonomy. This sounds boring and bureaucratic, but it is actually one of the most significant projects of recent years and an important building block of the Green New Deal. Accordingly, the natural gas and nuclear lobbies, as well as various European countries, are trying hard to have their dirty technologies classified as sustainable. It‘s their ultimate attempt of greenwashing – with implications far beyond the financial sector and disastrous consequences for the climate and the environment.

In this webinar, we present the current state of the taxonomy, look at its meaning, and highlight the impact of gas and nuclear lobbies on the process. We examine the role of the EU member states and their backstage bargaining – and we will discuss the role of the climate justice movement in this context.

The taxonomy shows: it is important to address even this seemingly boring endeavor. Together, the climate justice movement must scandalize the processes around the taxonomy and increase public pressure to prevent the inclusion of fossil gas and nuclear.

The webinars will be held one time in German and one time in English:
German: Monday, May 24, 7 pm CEST (Julian Bothe / . ausgestrahlt)
English: Monday, May 31, 7 pm CEST (Julian Bothe /. ausgestrahlt; Frida Kieninger / Food and Water Action Europe)

Dial in via BigBlueButton: https://conference.sixtopia.net/b/koo-w6d-ahq

More Information: https://climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/post/2021/05/14/eu-taxonomy-nuclear-is-not-a-sustainable-investment/

We are looking forward to meet you and to kick the gas and nuclear lobby in the ass!

The preparation team

EU Taxonomy without nuclear power and fossil gas!

The European Union is drafting a regulation for the classification of sustainable finance products, the so-called Taxonomy. This sounds boring and bureaucratic, but it is actually one of the most significant projects of recent years and an important building block of the Green New Deal.

Accordingly, the natural gas and nuclear lobbies, as well as various European countries, are trying hard to have their dirty technologies classified as sustainable. Against these forces, it is important to create public pressure to counter the possible inclusion of both fossil gas and nuclear power in the taxonomy !

As a first step, we organise two webinars on the current state of the EU-Taxonomy and the role of the climate justice movement in this context:  EU Taxonomy – Green Gas and Nuclear are dirty lies!

The webinars will be held one time in German and one time in English:
German: Monday, May 24, 7 pm CEST (Julian Bothe / . ausgestrahlt)
English: Monday, May 31, 7 pm CEST (Julian Bothe /. ausgestrahlt and Frida Kieninger / Food and Water Action Europe)

Dial in via BigBlueButton: https://conference.sixtopia.net/b/koo-w6d-ahq

We are looking forward to meet you and to kick the gas and nuclear lobby in the ass!

EU Taxonomy: Nuclear is not a sustainable investment!


The European Union is currently developing a “taxonomy”. What is behind this barbar word? It’s a regulation that sets criteria to determine which economic activities are eligible as sustainable financial investments. Lobby groups and governments are pushing heavily to include nuclear power and fossil gas under this label. This would open the floodgates to massive financing of these environmentally damaging energies. It is important to stop this now!

EU taxonomy: a classification of sustainable activities that will drive investments

The EU Taxonomy is an EU regulation that defines requirements for sustainable financial investments. It’s part of the EU ambition to create a greener financial system. It is meant to act as a kind of compass to guide investments into green and sustainable projects as part of the European Green Deal. The taxonomy contains various criteria for determining whether an economic activity can be classified as sustainable with regard to various environmental goals. One important rule is the “Do no significant harm” (DNSH) principle, according to which investments must be beneficial to the environment while not harming people or other environmental objectives.

Lobbies and governments are at work

The nuclear and gas lobbies like FORATOM and EUROGAS campaign heavily to water down the criteria in their favour. Governments that have nuclear programs (mainly France, but also Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania) exert influence for nuclear power to be recognised as a “green” technology

In contrast, the report of the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on the taxonomy, published in 2019, concluded that nuclear power does not qualify as a sustainable investment because it does not meet the “do no significant harm” rule – mainly due to the many unresolved questions regarding the disposal of nuclear waste. However, member states such as France, the United Kingdom (then still a EU member), and several Eastern European countries did not want to accept this assessment.

As a result, the EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) of Karlsruhe was commissioned with another expert opinion. The task was given to the Karlsruhe branch of the Centre, which is heavily linked with the nuclear industry. The resulting report was leaked to the public in March 2021. Unsurprisingly, this nuclear research institute came to the conclusion that nuclear energy does not harm people or the environment.,

This conclusion relies once again on the usual tricks of the nuclear industry: It tries to do away all problems with the help of future solutions that are far from being developed yet! It states the problem of nuclear waste will be solved, because it could be burried in geolocial deposits – something the nuclear industry has been proposing for centuries now. Similiarly, it states that future reactors will be safer than existing ones – while none of this reactors is already in operation and the few existing building sites are plagued by massive problems. The report also completely ignores the influence of climate change on nuclear power, for example regarding its water use. Many environmental organisations criticised this report, such as Greenpeace Europe, .ausgestrahlt from Germany and Global 2000 from Austria.

The survival of the nuclear industry depends on massive investments

In future, investments will have to meet the criteria of the taxonomy if they are to be advertised as ‘sustainable’. The EU taxonomy will significantly influence the financing and insurance conditions of projects and thus be responsible for financial decisions worth billions of euros. Thus all activities classified as sustainable according to the criteria of the taxonomy will benefit from huge investments, for example in the context of financial products such as sustainability funds, and will be able to apply for funding from EU support programmes such as the Just Transition Fund or the Recovery and Resilience Fund of the Green Deal. Banks and insurance companies, as well as other private sector companies, will most probable follow the taxonomy across Europe in determining what is and is not a sustainable investment.

If nuclear power is listed as a “green” technology within the EU taxonomy, nuclear projects, which have so far been impossible to finance privately, would have significantly better chances of realisation. The nuclear industry is facing a dizzying wall of investment: maintenance measures in the case of lifetime extensions, possible new construction of nuclear power plants or the generation of hydrogen using nuclear power, require huge investments. A clear exclusion from the taxonomy would significantly limit the financing possibilities of such projects, and bring the whole industry to a halt.

The greenwashing of the EU taxonomy threatens the environment and the population 

The softening of the EU taxonomy affects not only nuclear energy but also fossil gas in particular. The EU Commission had originally proposed that only gas-fired power plants with emissions of less than 100 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour should be considered sustainable. These values require carbon capture and storage and carbon capture and use technologies that are relatively costly to implement. The governments of the Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Malta and Romania continued to demand that higher values be considered sustainable. The German government also sees fossil gas as a necessary ‘bridging technology’.

Weakening the standards of the taxonomy jeopardises the credibility of the label. If financial flows are now diverted away from coal and oil due to the taxonomy, but lead to more gas and nuclear power plants due to the softened criteria, it would have fatal consequences for the environment, people’s health and the climate. Moreover, the lock-in effects of the misdirected investments would block necessary changes for decades. The mountain of nuclear waste would continue to grow, the nuclear risk would increase and – in the absence of effective measures – climate change would accelerate.

2021 is a crucial year

At the end of April 2021, the EU Commission decided to further postpone the decision on fossil gas and nuclear power. Both technologies are now to be assessed in processes that are independent of the remaining technologies. A decision ist expected by the end of 2021. From summer 2021, when the secret review of the JRC-report will be completed, nuclear power will once again be discussed in public. Some interviews even speak of possible decisions as early as June. However, the coordination processes behind the scenes will probably begin well before the final decision. That is why it is important to put pressure now against a possible inclusion !

The disputes over the taxonomy show the tensions within European politics. Within the EU, France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania are campaigning for nuclear power to be recognised as a “green” technology. Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, are currently planning to build new reactors – justified by the argument that this is the only way they can meet their EU climate targets.

Austria, Denmark or Luxembourg are strongly advocating the exclusion of nuclear power in Brussels. In contrast, the German politics does not show a clear line in regard to the EU taxonomy. Against the will of Germany, nuclear power will probably not be included in the taxonomy. However, there could be some kind of trade-off because Germany’s current policy shows interest in a listing fossil gas. Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Malta and Romania are also pushing for softening criteria regarding fossil gas.

Therefore, it is important to put public pressure against the inclusion of both fossil gas and nuclear power in the taxonomy !

More info :
in German: https://www.ausgestrahlt.de/themen/europa-und-atom/eu-taxonomie/
in English : https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/eu-spells-out-criteria-for-green-investment-in-new-taxonomy-rules/
in French : https://www.greenpeace.fr/espace-presse/taxonomie-europeenne-un-rapport-biaise-favorable-a-linclusion-du-nucleaire/

90 climate justice groups from 15 countries signed!

In the fight for climate justice, nuclear power is not a solution! 90 climate justice groups from 15 countries signed the European statement against nuclear power and for climate justice. This is a strong sign of the mobilisation
of the European climate justice movement against nuclear power.

On this sad day of commemoration of the Fukushima disaster, we stand united against nuclear power: Don’t nuke the climate!

Press review and social medias publications: climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/medias/
Medias contents: climatejusticeagainstnuclear.noblogs.org/contents/

On the deadline March 1, 83 groups from climate justice movement in 15 countries have signed the Antinuclear statement

On the deadline March 1, 83 groups from climate justice movement in 15 countries have signed the Antinuclear statement. This is a great success and a strong sign against nuclear power.

The process for the statement started in 2020 at a meeting of the Climate Justice Action (CJA), a network of international grassroots mouvements fighting for global climate justice. The participants shared the analysis that the nuclear lobby tried to push for a renaissance of nuclear power as a solution for the climate crisis. The climate justice movement needed to confront this attempt with a strong united action. The statement is our first step against nuclear power.

The statement gets presented to the wider public on March 11, the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima catastrophe. Please share it in your networks and your (social) media.

The process of the statement is still ongoing. If your group wants to sign, write an email with the name of the group and the country to climatejusticeagainstnuclear@riseup.net

En Espanol

Don’t nuke the climate  – Declaración europea contra la energía nuclear y por la justicia climática

En medio de la crisis climática, el lobby nuclear anuncia la energía nuclear como una supuesta solución fácil al problema climático. Como activistas de la justicia climática y de los movimientos antinucleares de toda Europa, sabemos que esto es totalmente erróneo. Por lo tanto, declaramos:

La lucha por la justicia climática es una lucha contra el statu quo. La energía nuclear forma parte del sistema político y económico que nos lleva a múltiples catástrofes.

    • No existe la energía nuclear “civil”: la energía nuclear está y siempre ha estado estrechamente relacionada con el uso militar.
    • La industria nuclear continúa una tradición de siglos de colonialismo violento y de profundización de la desigualdad, tanto en el Sur como en el Norte.
    • La energía nuclear ignora los derechos humanos y los derechos de la naturaleza, por ejemplo, al violar los derechos de las tierras indígenas.
    • La energía nuclear encarna una relación centralizada y antidemocrática con el uso de la energía, que impide la democracia energética con un verdadero debate democrático sobre la producción, distribución y consumo de energía.
    • La energía nuclear se basa en el supuesto de un crecimiento económico continuo que es fundamentalmente insostenible.
    • La energía nuclear nunca podrá detener la crisis climática: es sucia, lenta, costosa y peligrosa para todos los seres vivos de la Tierra, incluidas las plantas y los animales, y no sólo para las generaciones humanas actuales y futuras.
    • La energía nuclear distrae de la transformación que queremos y necesitamos, y obstaculiza la necesaria transición a un sistema energético justo y sostenible basado en las energías renovables, agravando así la crisis climática.

La energía nuclear muestra las injusticias fundamentales sobre las que se construyen nuestras sociedades. En resumen, encarna todo aquello a lo que nos oponemos en el capitalismo industrial global. Por ello, nosotr@s, un grupo diverso de colectivos que luchan por la justicia climática, declaramos nuestra oposición a la energía nuclear.

Türkçe olarak

Don’t nuke the climate ! Nükleer enerji iklim krizine çözüm değildir –
Nükleer enerjiye karşı ve iklim adaleti için Avrupa bildirisi

İklim krizinin ortasında, nükleer lobi, nükleer enerjiyi iklim sorununa sözde kolay bir çözüm olarak teşvik ediyor. Tüm Avrupa’dan iklim adaleti ve nükleer karşıtı eylemciler olarak, biz bunun tamamen yanlış olduğunu biliyoruz. Bu yüzden ilan ediyoruz ki:

İklim adaleti için mücadele statükoya karşı bir mücadeledir. Nükleer güç bizi birçok faciaya götüren siyasi ve ekonomik sistemin bir parçasıdır.

  • ‘Sivil’ nükleer güç diye bir nesne yoktur – nükleer enerji askeriyeyle askeri kullanimla bağlantılıdır ve her zaman bağlantılı olmuştur.
  • Nükleer endüstri hem Küresel Güney’de hem de Küresel Kuzey’de yüzyıllardır süregelen şiddetli sömürgecilik ve derinleşen eşitsizlik geleneğini sürdürmekte.
  • Nükleer enerji insan ve doğa haklarını ihmal ediyor. Örneğin, yerli halklarin toprak haklarını ihlal ederek.
  • Nükleer enerjinin enerji kullanımıyla nükleer enerji üretimini, dağıtımını ve tüketimini gerçek anlamda demokratik bir şekilde tartışmayı engelleyecek anti demokratik ve tekelleştirilmiş bir bağlantısı var.
  • Nükleer güç enerji kullanımıyla merkezleştirilmiş ve demokrasi karşıtı bir bağıntıyı içerır. Enerji demokrasi ile enerji üretimi, dağıtımı ve tüketimi üzerine gerçek demokratik tartışmaları engeller.
  • Nükleer enerji, temelde sürdürülemez olan sürekli ekonomik büyüme varsayımı üzerine
  • Nükleer enerji iklim krizini asla durduramayacak. Nükleer güç kirli, yavaş, pahalı bir yöntem olmasının yanında bitkiler ve hayvanlar da dahil olmak üzere dünyadaki tüm canlılar için tehlikeli; sadece şimdiki değil, gelecek nesiller için de.
  • Nükleer enerji, istediğimiz ve ihtiyacımız olan dönüşümden uzaklaşıyor. Yenilemeye dayalı adil ve sürdürülebilir bir enerji sistemine geçişi engelleyerek iklim krizini daha da kötüleştiriyor.

Nükleer enerji toplumlarımızın üzerine inşa edildiği temel adaletsizlikleri ortaya çıkarıyor. Kısaca, küresel endüstriyel kapitalizmde karşı çıktığımız her şeyi temsil ediyor. Bu nedenle, iklim adaleti için mücadele eden çeşitli kolektifler olarak nükleer güce karşı olduğumuzu ilan ediyoruz.

Po polsku

Don’t nuke the climate
– Europejskie stanowisko przeciw energii atomowej i za sprawiedliwością

W samym centrum kryzysu klimatycznego lobby atomowe promuje energię jądrową jako rzekome proste rozwiązanie na problem zmian klimatu. Jako aktywistki_ści ruchów klimatycznych i antyatomowych z całej Europy wiemy, że ich stanowisko jest fundamentalnie błędne. Deklarujemy:

walka o sprawiedliwość klimatyczną to walka ze status quo. Energia atomowa jest częścią tego samego systemu politycznego i ekonomicznego, który prowadzi nas ku katastrofie.

    • Nie istnieje “cywilna” energia atomowa. Atom jest i od zawsze był powiązany z działalnością militarną.
    • Przemysł atomowy kontynuuje wielowiekową tradycję brutalnego kolonializmu i pogłębiania nierówności, zarówno w krajach Globalnego Południa, jak i Globalnej Północy.
    • Energia atomowa powstaje przy braku poszanowania dla praw człowieka i natury – chociażby przez łamanie praw ludów rdzennych do ziemi.
    • Energetyka jądrowa jest ucieleśnieniem scentralizowanego i antydemokratycznego podejścia do zużycia energii, jednocześnie uniemożliwiając jego demokratyzację i otwartą debatę o produkcji, dystrybucji i konsumpcji energii.
    • Energetyka jądrowa opiera się na założeniu ciągłości wzrostu ekonomicznego, które jest fundamentalnie niemożliwe do utrzymania.
    • Energetyka jądrowa nigdy nie zatrzyma kryzysu klimatycznego: atom jest brudnym, powolnym, drogim i niebezpiecznym źródełem energii, stanowiącym zagrożenie dla wszystkich istot żywych – roślin, zwierząt, obecnych i przyszłych ludzkich pokoleń.
    • Energetyka jądrowa odwodzi nas od prawdziwej transformacji, której chcemy i potrzebujemy, spowalnia konieczny proces przejścia do sprawiedliwego i zrównoważonego (bazującego na odnawialnych źródłach energii) systemu energetycznego, przyczyniając się do pogorszenia kryzysu klimatycznego.

Energetyka jądrowa unaocznia niesprawiedliwości, na których zbudowano nasze społeczeństwo. Jest ucieleśnieniem wszystkiego, czemu sprzeciwiamy się w globalnym uprzemysłowionym kapitalizmie. Z tego powodu, jako różnorodna grupa kolektywów walczących o sprawiedliwość klimatyczną, deklarujemy swój sprzeciw wobec energetyki atomowej.

Lista sygnatariuszy

Στα ελληνικά

Ευρωπαϊκή δήλωση εναντίον της πυρηνικής ενέργειας και υπέρ της περιβαλλοντικής δικαιοσύνης

Εν μέσω της περιβαλλοντικής κρίσης, το πυρηνικό λόμπι διαφημίζει την πυρηνική ενέργεια ως μια δήθεν εύκολη λύση στο πρόβλημα του περιβάλλοντος. Ως ακτιβιστές από περιβαλλοντικά και αντί-πυρηνικά κινήματα από όλη την Ευρώπη, γνωρίζουμε πως αυτό είναι παντελώς λάθος. Ως εκ τούτου δηλώνουμε:

Ο αγώνας για περιβαλλοντική δικαιοσύνη είναι μια μάχη εναντίον του κατεστημένου. Η πυρηνική ενέργεια είναι μέρος του πολιτικού και οικονομικού συστήματος που μας οδηγεί σε πολλαπλές καταστροφές.

    • Δεν υφίσταται “πολιτική” πυρηνική ενέργεια – η πυρηνική ενέργεια είναι και ανέκαθεν ήταν στενά συνδεδεμένη με τη στρατιωτική χρήση.
    • Η πυρηνική βιομηχανία συνεχίζει μια παράδοση αιώνων βίαιης αποικιοκρατίας και οξυνόμενης ανισότητας, τόσο στον Παγκόσμιο Νότο όσο και στον Παγκόσμιο Βορρά.
    • Η πυρηνική ενέργεια αγνοεί τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και τα δικαιώματα στη φύση – παραβιάζοντας για παράδειγμα τα δικαιώματα των ιθαγενών στη χρήση της γης τους.
    • Η πυρηνική ενέργεια ενσαρκώνει μια συγκεντρωτική και αντιδημοκρατική σχέση με την ενεργειακή χρήση που εμποδίζει την ενεργειακή δημοκρατία και τον αληθινό δημοκρατικό διάλογο πάνω στην παραγωγή, διανομή και κατανάλωση της ενέργειας.
    • Η πυρηνική ενέργεια βασίζεται στην παραδοχή της συνεχόμενης οικονομικής ανάπτυξης που είναι θεμελιωδώς μη βιώσιμη.
    • Η πυρηνική ενέργεια δεν θα μπορέσει ποτέ να σταματήσει την περιβαλλοντική κρίση: είναι βρώμικη, αργή, ακριβή και επικίνδυνη για όλους τους ζωντανούς οργανισμούς στη Γη, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των φυτών και των ζώων – χωρίς να ξεχνάμε τις παρούσες και μελλοντικές γενιές ανθρώπων.
    • Η πυρηνική ενέργεια μας αποσπά από την μεταμόρφωση που θέλουμε και χρειαζόμαστε και εμποδίζει την απαραίτητη μετάβαση σε ένα δίκαιο και βιώσιμο ενεργειακό σύστημα που βασίζεται σε ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας, χειροτερεύοντας με αυτόν τον τρόπο την περιβαλλοντική κρίση.

Η πυρηνική ενέργεια καταδεικνύει τις θεμελιώδεις αδικίες πάνω στις οποίες κατασκευάστηκαν οι κοινωνίες μας. Εν συντομία, ενσαρκώνει όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά του παγκόσμιου βιομηχανικού καπιταλισμού στα οποία εναντιωνόμαστε. Για αυτόν τον λόγο εμείς, μια πολύμορφη ομάδα συλλογικοτήτων που αγωνιζόμαστε υπέρ της περιβαλλοντικής δικαιοσύνης, δηλώνουμε την αντίθεσή μας στην πυρηνική ενέργεια.

Κατάλογος υπογραφόντων