Don’t nuke the climate
European statement against nuclear power and for climate justice
In the midst of the climate crisis the nuclear lobby advertises nuclear power as a supposedly easy solution to the climate problem. As activists from climate justice and anti-nuclear movements all over Europe, we know that this is utterly wrong. We therefore declare:
The fight for climate justice is a fight against the status quo. Nuclear power is part of the political and economic system that is leading us towards multiple catastrophes.
- There is no such thing as ‘civil’ nuclear power – nuclear energy is and has always been closely connected to military use.
- The nuclear industry continues a centuries-long tradition of violent colonialism and deepening inequality, both in the Global South and in the Global North.
- Nuclear energy ignores human rights and rights of nature – for example by violating indigenous land rights.
- Nuclear power embodies a centralized and anti-democratic relation to energy usage, that prevents energy democracy with real democratic debate on energy production, distribution and consumption.
- Nuclear power is premised on the assumption of continued economic growth which is fundamentally unsustainable.
- Nuclear power will never be able to stop the climate crisis: it is dirty, slow, expensive, and dangerous for all living beings on Earth, including plants and animals – not least present and future generations of humans.
- Nuclear power distracts from the transformation we want and need, and it hinders the necessary transition to a just and sustainable energy system based on renewables, thus worsening the climate crisis.
Nuclear power shows the fundamental injustices on which our societies are constructed. In sum, it embodies everything we oppose in global industrial capitalism. This is why we, a diverse group of collectives fighting for climate justice, declare our opposition to nuclear power.
List of signees
More groups will be added as they sign.
AbibiNsroma Foundation (GHA)
Aktionsgruppe Gesundes Klima (DEU)
Alle Dörfer bleiben (DEU)
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschus (AStA) University Potsdam (DEU)
Alternatiba (FRA)
Alternatives et Autogestion (FRA)
Am Boden bleiben (DEU)
AntiAtomBerlin (DEU)
AntiAtomBonn (DEU)
Anti-Atom-Büro Hamburg (DEU)
Antiatom-Gruppe Freiburg (DEU)
Anti-Atomnetz Trier (DEU)
Anti Atom Plenum Berlin (DEU)
Anti-Kohle-Kidz (DEU)
ASEED Europe (NLD)
atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben! (AUT)
Attac France (FRA)
ausgeCO2hlt (DEU)
ausgestrahlt (DEU)
Beats Against Coal (NLD)
Block Batlic Pipe (DNK)
BreakFree Suisse (CHE)
Bürgerwerke eG (DEU)
Climate Justice Camp (BEL)
Climaxi (BEL)
Climáximo (PRT)
Code Rood (NLD)
Collective Climate Justice (CHE)
Comité Antinuclear y Ecologista de Salamanca (ESP)
ContrAtom (CHE)
Ecologistas en Acción (ESP)
Ecosocialist Working group of the International Socialist Organization (DEU)
Emancipation collective (FRA)
Ende Gelände (DEU)
Ende Gelände Bonn (DEU)
Energy Political Association – Alternative to Nuclear Power (FIN)
Enhedslisten – The Red-Green Alliance (DNK)
EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG (DEU)
Extinction Rebellion Berlin (DEU)
Extinction Rebellion Bielefeld (DEU)
Extinction Rebellion Bonn (DEU)
Extinction Rebellion Essen (DEU)
Extinction Rebellion PEPPS (Pour une écologie politique populaire et sociale) (FRA)
Extinction Rebellion Saint-Brieuc (FRA)
Friends of the Earth (Grassroots) Nuclear Network (GBR)
Fossil Free Lüneburg (DEU)
Fridays for future Alessandria (ITA)
Fridays for future Bonn (DEU)
Fridays for future Venezia Mestre (ITA)
Fridays for future Vicenza (ITA)
Fridays for future Trento (ITA)
Fridays for future Treviso (ITA)
GasExit (DEU)
GLOBAL 2000 – Friends of the Earth Austria (AUT)
Green Anticapitalist Front London (GBR)
Greenpeace France (FRA)
Greenpeace Luxembourg (LUX)
Health for Future Bonn (DEU)
Health for Future Freiburg (DEU)
Health for Future Rostock (DEU)
Immanuel Kant-Stiftung – Europas Erbe als Auftrag (DEU)
ISO – Internationale Sozialistischen Organisation (DEU)
Interventionistiche Linke [iL*] (DEU)
Japanese Against Nuclear UK (GBR)
Kick Nuclear (GBR)
KligK – Klimagerechtigkeit Kassel (DEU)
Klimacamp im Rheinland (DEU)
Klimakollektiv Heidelberg (DEU)
Klimakollektiv Karlsruhe [KliKo] (DEU)
Klimakollektivet (DNK)
Land in Sicht – Transition (LIST), Celle (DEU)
Les coquelicots de Fécamp (FRA)
Movimento do Centro pela Justiça Ambiental (PRT)
Movimiento Ibérico Antinuclear (ESP)
Mütter gegen Atomgefahr (AUT)
Mütter gegen Atomkraft e.V. (DEU)
Notre Affaire à Tous (FRA)
Notre Maison Brûle (FRA)
Obóz dla Klimatu (POL)
Pour une Ecologie Populaire et Sociale (FRA)
Powershift, e.V. (DEU)
RadiAction (FRA)
Renaissance Panafricaine (DEU)
RISE UP 4 Climate Justice (ITA)
Rising Tide UK (GBR)
Sayonara Nukes Berlin (DEU)
Shell must fall (NLD)
Social centers of the North East of Italy (ITA)
Solibus, e.V. (DEU)
Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth (GBR)
System Change, not Climate Change (AUT)
The Corner House (GBR)